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Departmental Transfers Postings


Additional charge Order Sh. Bansi Lal , DRCS dated 25.12.2020 (Size: 116.03 KB, Format: PDF, Language: English)
Additional charge Order Sh. Bansi Lal , DRCS dated 25.12.2020 (Size: 116.03 KB, Format: PDF, Language: English)
Transfer/ Posting orders of DRCS and ARCS dated 16.12.2020 (Size: 31.99 KB, Format: PDF, Language: English)
Additional Charge orders Sh. Yashpal Dahiya, DRCS dated 14.12.2020 (Size: 407.04 KB, Format: PDF, Language: English)
Withdrawl of additional charge of Sh. Narender kumar, ARCS dated 08.07.2020 (Size: 20.96 KB, Format: PDF, Language: English)
Internal Orders of Senior Officers dated 03.07.2020 (Size: 26.82 KB, Format: PDF, Language: English)
Transfer/ Posting Orders of Sh. Deepak Sharma, ARCS dated 29.09.2020 (Size: 21.5 KB, Format: PDF, Language: English)
Additional Charge Orders of Sh. Jitender Kaushik, ARCS dated 25.09.2020 (Size: 11.61 KB, Format: PDF, Language: English)
Posting Orders of ARCS dated 21.08.2020 (Size: 30.25 KB, Format: PDF, Language: English)
Promotion Orders of Inspector to ARCS dated 21.08.2020 (Size: 73.89 KB, Format: PDF, Language: English)
Transfer/ Posting Transfer of Sh. Sanjeev Kumar ARCS dated 11.08.2020 (Size: 21.78 KB, Format: PDF, Language: English)
Transfer/ Posting Orders of Sh. Parveen Kumar, ARCS dated 30.07.2020 (Size: 36.31 KB, Format: PDF, Language: English)
TRansfer/ Posting Orders of ARCS dated 21.07.2020 (Size: 26.64 KB, Format: PDF, Language: English)
Transfer/ Posting orders Sh. Ram Kumar, ARCS dated 17.07.2020 (Size: 75.86 KB, Format: PDF, Language: English)
Transfer/ Posting of ARCS dated 10.07.2020 (Size: 40.04 KB, Format: PDF, Language: English)
Transfer/ Posting of Smt. Jugesh Devi, AOCS Dated 19.06.2020 (Size: 40.9 KB, Format: PDF, Language: English)
Promotion Orders Sh. Dalbir Singh, Laze Singh Singh Deputy Supd to Supdt. Dated 04.05.2020 (Size: 19.74 KB, Format: PDF, Language: English)
Additional Charge Orders ARCS dated 15.05.2020 (Size: 52.37 KB, Format: PDF, Language: English)
Recruitment to the post of ARCS, Haryana Sh. Vinod Kumar, DAted 29.04.2020 (Size: 211.94 KB, Format: PDF, Language: English)
Additional Charge Orders of Sh. Trilochan Singh, ARCS Dated 10.04.2020 (Size: 40.92 KB, Format: PDF, Language: English)

Group C Transfer Orders

Transfer posting of Inspectors dated 11.12.2020 (Size: 88.02 KB, Format: PDF, Language: English)
Transfer/ Posting of Sh. Sandeep , Auditor dated 09.12.2020 (Size: 1.2 MB, Format: PDF, Language: English)
Posting Orders of Sh. Sonu Raja, Inspector dated 09.12.2020 (Size: 60.2 KB, Format: PDF, Language: English)
Promotion of Clerk to Assistant in Head Office dated 06.11.2020 (Size: 30.11 KB, Format: PDF, Language: English)
Reversion orders of Sh. Mahinder Kumar and Sh. Rajesh from Statistical Assistant to Sub Inspector dated 04.11.2020 (Size: 41.48 KB, Format: PDF, Language: English)
Posting of Under Training ARCS dated 20.10.2020 (Size: 1.18 MB, Format: PDF, Language: English)
Posting Orders of Smt. Kuldeep Kaur, Clerk dated 22.09.2020 (Size: 26.47 KB, Format: PDF, Language: English)
Promotion and posting orders Junior Auditor to Auditor dated 22.09.2020 (Size: 33.27 KB, Format: PDF, Language: English)
Promotion of peons to Clerk dated 03.09.2020 (Size: 34.71 KB, Format: PDF, Language: English)
Promotion of Junior Auditor to post of Auditors dated 02.09.2020 (Size: 1 MB, Format: PDF, Language: English)
Transfer/ Posting Orders Smt. Jyoti , Junior Auditor dated 01.09.2020 (Size: 72.12 KB, Format: PDF, Language: English)
Transfer/ Posting Orders Smt. Jyoti , Junior Auditor dated 01.09.2020 (Size: 72.12 KB, Format: PDF, Language: English)
Transfer/ Posting of Senior Auditors dated 01.09.2020 (Size: 655.79 KB, Format: PDF, Language: English)
Transfer/ posting Alijaan, Inspector Dated 28.08.2020 (Size: 41.67 KB, Format: PDF, Language: English)
Transfer posting of Sub Inspector Sh. Pardeep Kumar dated 25.08.2020 (Size: 27.84 KB, Format: PDF, Language: English)
Promotion Orders of Sh. Mahinder kumar and Sh. Rajesh Sub Inspector to Statistical Assistant dated 25.08.2020 (Size: 48.3 KB, Format: PDF, Language: English)
Posting orders of Sh. Sunil Kumar, Inspector dated 14.08.2020 (Size: 364.45 KB, Format: PDF, Language: English)
Posting Orders of Sh. Virender Singh and Sh. Manjeet Singh, Inspector dated 07.08.2020 (Size: 356.99 KB, Format: PDF, Language: English)
Promotion Orders Sh. Budh Ram, Head clerk to Deputy Supdt. dated 07.08.2020 (Size: 529.41 KB, Format: PDF, Language: English)
Transfer/ Posting orders of Smt. Mamta rani. Sub Inspector, dated 06.08.2020 (Size: 412.15 KB, Format: PDF, Language: English)


Transfer / Posting of Sh. Amit Kumar, Peon dated 11.06.2020 (Size: 68.6 KB, Format: PDF, Language: English)
Transfer/ Posting of Gulab Singh, Peon dated 29.05.2020 (Size: 267.28 KB, Format: PDF, Language: English)
Transfer Posting Orders of Peons dated 14.02.2020 (Size: 223.83 KB, Format: PDF, Language: English)
Transfer / Posting of Peons Sh. Govind Kumar, Sh. Balinder Singh, Sh. Sandeep Kumar, Sh. Kuldeep dated 14.02.2020 (Size: 195.97 KB, Format: PDF, Language: English)
Transfer/ Posting Orders Sh. Sohan Lal , Peon from DRCS Kurukshetra to ARCS sirsa (Size: 11.43 KB, Format: PDF, Language: English)
Transfer/ Posting Orders of Sh. Amit Kumar, Driver from ARCS Gurugram to DRCS, Hisar (Size: 13.9 KB, Format: PDF, Language: English)
Transfer/ Posting Orders of Peons dated 15.05.2017 (Size: 312.79 KB, Format: PDF, Language: English)
Transfer/ Posting orders of Peon From ARCS Bahadurgarh to Inspector , Cooperativbe Societies, Sonepat-iii (Sh. Jaiprakash) (Size: 429.55 KB, Format: PDF, Language: English)
Transfer order of Peon (Sh. Chander Bhan, Peon, ARCS Bhiwani & Smt. Rajwanti, Peon, DRCS Karnal) (Size: 543.07 KB, Format: PDF, Language: English)
Shifting Orders of Peons, chowkidars and Sweeper - cum- chowkidars dated 08.09.2015 (Sh. Bhagvati Devi)
Shifting Orders of Peons, chowkidars and Sweeper - cum- chowkidars dated 08.09.2015 (Sh. Subhash Chand) (Size: 429.56 KB, Format: PDF, Language: English)


test (Size: 384.3 KB, Format: PDF, Language: English)
Reinstate/ Posting Orders dated 31.01.2019 of Sandeep Solanki, Inspector. (Size: 13.68 KB, Format: PDF, Language: English)
Reinstate /Posting Orders dated 01.02.2019 of SH. Virender Singh Subinspector (Size: 12.69 KB, Format: PDF, Language: English)
Re-Instate Orders dated 19.09.2017 of Sh. Sudhir Alhawat, ARCS who was suspended vide order dated 05.08.2017 (Size: 68.3 KB, Format: PDF, Language: English)