Registrar of Co-operation Department, Government of Haryana has developed the web-site with a view to provide information useful to the people concerning the department at one place. Effects have been made to provide accede and true information on the web-site. However, there may be flaws. It you have to olive for it. You are requited to contact us. We shall make all ended yours to correct or mistakes brought to our notice in order to keep the web-site updated.
In the documents of the web-site there is information from private institution and other people. We have no control on accuracy, relevancy, study or completers. We do not give any such guarantee also.
Information in the web-site is for the benefit of the people. No legal right or responsibility arises there from. All possible care has been exercised for its correctness and procedure. However, the department is not responsible for nay inadvertence or any typographical error. If you feel that some information is not true and requires amendment, you may give your opinion for remedial measures. Statements/forms in the web site (A.D.F. file ) are taken from both-head copy and soft copy. It may happen that fomenting of curtain documents are changed at the time of conversion. Sufficient effects have be made to correct the mistakes arose from conversion. However, there may still be some mistakes. It you have any problems in this regard, you are requested to refer to photo-copies of the original document or to contact us. More over we are not responsible for any policy of web-site links of regarding its procedure.